Revised 9/19/11
We the Student Senate, in order to further develop scholastic leadership, social interest, and public service, hereby establish this Constitution and corresponding Bylaws on behalf of the Student Body of both Central Lakes College-Brainerd and Staples Campuses.
Article I
Name of Organization
A. The organization name shall be the Central Lakes College-Brainerd and Staples Campus Student Senates herein referred to as the Student Senate.
Article II Student Senate Purpose
A. The purpose of the Student Senate is representation of the Student Body and Student Organizations/Clubs to the Administration of the college and to MnSCU, through the rules and regulations set by the Minnesota State College Student Association and MnSCU.
a. The Student Senate shall provide opportunities of leadership development for students.
b. The Student Senate shall propose programs, projects, and activities that contribute to the educational, intellectual, social, physical, civic, and personal development of students.
c. The Student Senate shall consider campus, state, and national issues, and/or legislative actions concerning Central Lakes College communities.
d. The Student Senate shall contribute to the overall well-being and improvement of the college through other general activities.
B. The Student Senate, in cooperation with the Director of Student Life, retains the right to regulate its own affairs subject to MnSCU or college policies, procedures, or administrative regulations.
C. The Student Senate shall have the right to participate in college committees and assist in the development and implementation of college budgets as specified in MnSCU and/or college policy, procedure, or as determined by the college president. This participation includes but is not limited to:
a. Determining student representation on the Student Life Fee Committee as well as other college budget-related committees as allowed by MnSCU policy and college president authority.
b. Reviewing the Student Life Fee Committee recommendations, and make recommendations to the committee, and administration.
c. Making recommendations regarding the proposed tuition.
d. Ensuring compliance with the college policy and procedure relating to expenditures and fund-raising.
e. The Student Senate Executive Board will act as a mediator between the Administration and the Student Body.
D. The Student Senate will sponsor activities for the Student Body in the interest of enhancing Student Life on the Brainerd and Staples Campuses.
E. The Student Senate will act as the final authority in disputes between Students and Student Organizations/Clubs on matters pertaining to the general welfare of the Student Body.
F. The Student Senate shall consist of the following positions as outlined in the Bylaws:
a. Director of Student Life
b. Executive Board
c. Senators
d. Honorary Senators
e. Ad-Hoc Committees
f. Student Visitors
g. Student Senate Meeting Visitors
Article III Affiliations
A. The Student Senate shall be affiliated with the Minnesota State College Student Association or MSCSA as outlined in the Bylaws.
B. The Student Senate has the right to become affiliated with any organization as it sees necessary in accordance with MnSCU Board policies and other college policies.
Article IV Membership
A. The Student Senate shall have the services of an administratively approved Director of Student Life.
B. The Student Senate shall adhere to the Student Senate Election Policy and Qualifications for Candidacy as outlined in the Bylaws
C. The Central Lakes College Student Senate are committed to providing equal education and employment opportunities to all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation or membership or activity in a local commission.
D. The Student Senate Executive Board shall consist of the following elected offices:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
e. Public Relations Liaison
E. The Executive Board is authorized to make reasonable emergency decisions with a simple majority of the officers. All such decisions must have the final authorization of the Director of Student Life. The decision will be later brought to the Senate floor for discussions.
Article V Delegated Powers
A. The Student Senate will, in cooperation with administration, have the right to authorize the formation of all sponsored Senate Clubs and Organizations in accordance with the Student Senate Club/Organization Advisor Policy and any other college policies.
a. The Student Senate will, in accordance with college policies, MnSCU Board policies, and guidelines, cooperate with Administration to monitor and coordinate all club and organization sponsored activities, fundraising, and events to ensure that college policies and procedures are adhered to.
Article VI Meetings
A. The Student Senate will meet, in whole, at least once a week at a specific time and place during the Fall and Spring Semesters of the academic year.
a. The President and Student Life Director reserves the right to adjust the date, time, and place as deemed necessary and for final approval to be made by the Senate.
b. Emergency meetings will be called by a simple majority of the Executive Board voting in favor off such a request.
B. All meetings shall be conducted by following Robert’s Rules of Order.
C. An agenda will be made available to the Student body, the Director of Student Life, The Executive Board, and Campus Departments no later than 24 hours prior to a regularly scheduled meeting.
D. The Executive Board for their respective campus will have weekly board meetings prior to the week’s Senate meeting.
E. Minutes will be taken at each regularly scheduled meeting and be made available to the Student Body, the Director of Student Life, the Executive Board, and Campus Departments no later than 48 hours after the previous Senate meeting.
Article VII Quorum and Voting
A. A campus quorum shall be 50% plus 1 of voting members of the individual campuses Student Senate roster.
B. A simple majority of a campus quorum must vote in favor of a motion to be successful.
C. All members of the Student Senate shall have one vote; with the exception of the President, who may vote only in the event of a tie as well as the Honorary Senators who may not vote on any motions brought forth.
D. The President or meeting chair will decide by which manner a vote will take place. However, any member may request for a specific voting method to be approved by the President or meeting chair.
E. This Constitution may be ratified by a 2/3 vote of all voting Senators of the Student Senate.
F. After consultation with the Student Body, this constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Student Senate.
a. Proposed amendments will be submitted in written form to the Executive Board.
b. The Student Senate will post proposed amendments on both campuses until the next scheduled Senate meeting for the considerations of the Student Body prior to any action on the proposed amendment.
c. If 5% or more of the Student Body disagree with the proposed amendment, the proposed amendment will fail.
G. All Club and organization proposals, recognitions, and issues will be decided by their respective campus.