
Student Learning Assessment

At 91勛圖厙, high-quality teaching and learning are extremely important. To foster high-quality teaching and learning, 91勛圖厙 has developed a Student Learning Assessment Program. The Student Learning Assessment Program supports high-quality teaching and learning both inside and outside the classroom. The Student Learning Assessment Program provides the tools, methods, and support to faculty and staff to assess what students can do with what they know. After completing the assessment process, faculty and staff can make changes based on the assessment results to further improve student mastery of specific learning outcomes. To measure these different types of learning outcomes, 91勛圖厙 has created four distinct types of assessment processes to promote high-quality teaching and learning and continuous improvement. These methods are College-wide assessment, Program-level assessment, and Course-level assessment, and Co-curricular Assessment.

College-Wide Assessment

91勛圖厙 has created three broad college-wide learning goals, called outcomes, for all students. Under those outcomes are eleven specific skills, called competencies. The following are the general outcomes and specific skills that 91勛圖厙 expects students to achieve.

Outcome # 1: Communicate Effectively

Understand and communicate effectively with others using a variety of contexts and formats, which include writing, speaking, reading, listening, and interpersonal skills.

Demonstrate oral communication skills
Demonstrate written communication skills
Demonstrate reading and listening skills
Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills

Outcome # 2: Solve Problems

Identify, evaluate, and apply critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills using multiple perspectives and appropriate technologies.

Assess alternative solutions to a problem
Analyze and follow a sequence of operations
Apply abstract ideas to concrete situations
Utilize appropriate technology

Outcome # 3: Demonstrate Personal and Social Responsibility

Develop and demonstrate personal and social responsibility and teamwork skills.

Apply ethical principles in decision-making
Work as a team member to achieve shared goals
Discuss/compare characteristics of diverse cultures and environments

College-wide assessment reporting occurs on an annual basis. To submit a college-wide assessment report for the 2023-2024 academic year, please click .

Program/Department Level Assessment

91勛圖厙 Programs and Departments have also created Program/Department level objectives that must be assessed for students enrolled in classes in a technical program or liberal arts department. Under program/department-level assessment, methods of measurement are broader than course-specific assessment outcomes but less broad than college-wide outcomes. Program/Department outcomes are listed on each Program or Department webpage. 91勛圖厙 faculty collaborate annually to review Program/Department level assessment data and make changes based on the results to ensure that what students are learning is in alignment with Program/Department objectives at a high rate of proficiency. Program/Department level assessment reporting occurs on an annual basis. To submit a program/department assessment report for the 2023-2024 academic year, please click .

Course Level Assessment

Course Level assessment is the most common assessment tool and is conducted on a daily or weekly basis. Course-level assessment is an assessment that faculty members do to determine grades for student assignments and projects,as well as for the course itself. All 91勛圖厙 courses have common course outlines identifying course-specific and college-wide outcomes that students will be expected to achieve upon completion of the course. When teaching a course, 91勛圖厙 faculty must ensure the course content and specific course-level assessment measures meet the course objectives. Course Level Assessment activities should occur regularly within the classroom.

Co-curricular Assessment

Co-curricular畝ctivities take place outside the classroom but reinforce or supplement眩he classroom curriculum in some way. Theymay beungraded andmaynot offer any form of academic credit, but they do皰rovidecomplementary learning of some form. Co-curricular learning is evaluated through assessment utilizing 91勛圖厙s College-Wide Assessment Outcomesand Competencies. An example of a co-curricular learning evaluation tool can be found at this . To submit a co-curricular assessment report for the 2023-2024 academic year, please click .

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